7-year-old swims for an hour to get help for dad and sister stranded in river

A seven-year-old boy, Chase Poust, is being hailed as a hero after swimming for an hour to get help for his stranded family. On Memorial Day weekend, Chase, his father Steven, and his four-year-old sister Abigail were boating on the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida, when a strong current pulled Abigail away from the boat.

Chase, who wasn’t wearing a life jacket, let go of the boat to help his sister. Steven also jumped into the water but couldn’t reach her. “I told them I loved them because I wasn’t sure what’s going to happen,” Steven said. Exhausted, he watched Abigail drift away.

Despite his fear, Chase swam to shore, alternating between doggie paddle and floating on his back to avoid exhaustion. He reached land after an hour and ran for help.

Steven said, “I screamed for help at the top of my lungs and waved my arms. Little man made it to shore and got help, and that’s what saved our lives.” Steven and Abigail were rescued a mile from their boat.

Jacksonville Fire and Rescue’s Eric Prosswimmer praised the outcome, saying, “We’re happy to say all three have been recovered and are doing well. We couldn’t ask for a better outcome.”

This incident highlights the importance of extreme caution on the water with children. Share this story to warn others and praise Chase for his bravery.

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